Thursday, November 29, 2007

Canoeing the Lakes of Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada.

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Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada, July 2006. Some campsites represent little paradises where one can enjoy the bonfire after a hard day of paddling. The Algonquin Provincial Park consists of many lakes that can be explored by canoe and which are connected by portages. Photo by Frits Meyst/

It is early morning on Opeango, only one of the myriad of lakes throughout Algonquin Park. The sun warms the beginning of a new day as steam rises from the mirror flat lake. A surreal mystical atmosphere surrounds us. Every once in a while the golden curtain opens up to give a sneak preview of the day to come. Quietly the canoe cuts through the lake. The only sound is that of water lapping at the bow and the morning call of a loon in the distance. White pond lilies in the thousands open up to a new day, as we look around anxiously trying to spot a moose busy in search of breakfast.