Thursday, November 29, 2007

Diving & sailing the Similan Islands of Thailand

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Similan Islands Marine National Park, Thailand, April 2007. A hawksbill turtle inspects the foot of Lena, who is sitting on the back of the boat. Nine uninhabited islands make up the Similan Archipelago. Above the water they are mere rocks sticking out of the ocean. Under water, the Similan coral reefs are teeming with life, and are rated among the best dive sites in the world. Photo by Frits Meyst/

Fed up with the stress of corporate life, suits and ties, constant phone calls and e-mails, Manfred Theissig gave it all up in exchange for a 50 meter, 60 ton, double mast sailing yacht and changed his life. This hearty Bavarian Sean Connery look alike, has been sailing around the world for the past 8 years. What he owns is on his boat, representing many of his travel experiences worldwide plus, as an avid scuba diver, a compressor and all the gear for a minimum of five divers. We join him for a diving tour of Thailand's Similan Islands, rated to be amongst the top ten dive sites in the world.

Canoeing the Lakes of Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada.

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Algonquin Park, Ontario, Canada, July 2006. Some campsites represent little paradises where one can enjoy the bonfire after a hard day of paddling. The Algonquin Provincial Park consists of many lakes that can be explored by canoe and which are connected by portages. Photo by Frits Meyst/

It is early morning on Opeango, only one of the myriad of lakes throughout Algonquin Park. The sun warms the beginning of a new day as steam rises from the mirror flat lake. A surreal mystical atmosphere surrounds us. Every once in a while the golden curtain opens up to give a sneak preview of the day to come. Quietly the canoe cuts through the lake. The only sound is that of water lapping at the bow and the morning call of a loon in the distance. White pond lilies in the thousands open up to a new day, as we look around anxiously trying to spot a moose busy in search of breakfast.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Adventure4ever Outdoor Adventure, Travel and Diving Photo Features

Kayaking the Salty Waters of Phang Nga Bay, Thailand  Copyright by Frits Meyst and Jillian Macdonald Outdoor, Travel & Diving Photo Features. Photography and text for magazines, travel sections and other printed and online media.

Welcome to the Blog. This is the first post to check that everything is working. Writer Jillian Macdonald and myself ; Frits Meyst will keep you informed about the latest features we have produced. We will regularly publish pictures, as well as links to the images in our Online High Resolution Archive.

So please stay tuned for our future posts